Adults Program
“Adult Martial Arts Training“
Now, have peace of mind...Now you can learn self-protection in a safe, learning atmosphere with other people just like you - people who want to improve their fitness while learning the valuable skills of self-protection.
Adults tend to study Karate for many reasons: fitness, stresses reduction, self-defense, etc. Research has shown that eighty-five percent of adults study Karate for self-defense and empowerment (a need to protect themselves and family). Our society amplifies this ideal that the strong conquer the weak, the large dominates the smaller, and the poor are a threat to the rich. Adult Karate training proves these ideals to be untrue. The physically weak are taught techniques of protection that gives them self-defense abilities. The small size person is taught that their size is an advantage in lots of situations. The rich and poor are taught that fear ususally begins inside with false evidence appearing real. Adults are taught that over coming fear is the first step to self-empowerment. Adult Karate training improves many aspects for our lives both personally and professionally.